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Home is where I want to go Home is where I know everything will be right  Home is where I talk to anyone Home is where everyone is on your side Home is where I feel like me Home is where I can see the clear sky Home is where I chase the birds Home is where I can be me and heard Home is where I want to be now Home is where I can ponder what and how Home is a place to go after a tiring wild chase Home is a treatment for every ailment Home is filled with memories  every corner sealed with stories *pic courtesy - Pinterest Profile @Jae


Take sometime..
Through the pictures taken.
Through the faces that looked..
So close to you..
Even when you chose not to look at you.
Take sometime..
Through the story trip..
Through the tight grip..
When someone caught you.
Even when you glided to slip.
Take sometime..
Through the games back to back..
Through the knee kick..
Shouting the words that repeated just you..
Even when you were mostly down the stack..
Take sometime..
Through the dreams that got slot..
Through a dubiously magical plot..
Breathing into the lap while warmth did heal.
Even when you tried hard not to reveal.
Take sometime..
Through the laughter..
Through the fights..
Through the moment with the spark..
Through the sadness embark..
Through the loss..
That caught hold of you crying..
Through the plead..
That caught moss with you trying..
Through the endless beats..
Through the guardless retreats..
Through the passion..
Through the season..
Through the reason..
That wept behind..
Even when you just left right after the find.
Take sometime..
As when you do..
You know what you did or didn’t cause .
You know what was courage or wasn’t chivalry..
You recall the loss..
You gather the cause..
And then..
You take the most awaited pause..
After which you start looking beyond pictures.


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