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Will You Love Me The Same?

If I told you I am older Will you love me the same way If I told you I am a cold person Will you love me the same way If I told you all that I haven't told anyone yet Will you love me the same way If I told you I get depressed pretty often Will you hold me the same way If I told you I cannot impress anyone everyday Will you spend time with me the same way If I told you I can be pretty challenging  If I told you I am aging and there are wrinkles under my skin that I hide with makeup If I told you I am not adjusting and don't talk to anyone if I don't have to If I told you I don't dress up on days and eat cereals from the box in a messy way Will you be with me the same way Are you still listening or you have run away If I told you I don't forget easy And can stalk you for days making you feel uneasy If I told you I can be dangerously hunting insects And can jump in muddy water for hours If I told you I am not afraid of blood And I can fight until I hear the sound go t

Come Back Again

Come back again 
Let it pain
While the rain drops 
Scatter over insane
We meet at the same lane
Where no one looks 
At our eyes for each other 
Where no one takes
Away our silence that talks to one another 

Come back again 
I promise won't ask you to stay
Won't ask questions that mess up the way
We dress up for the play
And pretend all day
I keep listening whatever you have to say
I keep failing to understand 
And you keep explaining it on demand 

*pics courtesy - Pinterest Profile - Catarina Teixeira


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