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Will You Love Me The Same?

If I told you I am older Will you love me the same way If I told you I am a cold person Will you love me the same way If I told you all that I haven't told anyone yet Will you love me the same way If I told you I get depressed pretty often Will you hold me the same way If I told you I cannot impress anyone everyday Will you spend time with me the same way If I told you I can be pretty challenging  If I told you I am aging and there are wrinkles under my skin that I hide with makeup If I told you I am not adjusting and don't talk to anyone if I don't have to If I told you I don't dress up on days and eat cereals from the box in a messy way Will you be with me the same way Are you still listening or you have run away If I told you I don't forget easy And can stalk you for days making you feel uneasy If I told you I can be dangerously hunting insects And can jump in muddy water for hours If I told you I am not afraid of blood And I can fight until I hear the sound go t

Be Nice

Speak nicely

because that's

what is going

to give you

some people


if you don't

then get ready

to die alone

Be nice

even if you don't

want to


you need to

learn the art of



without water

being a part

of conversations

without laughter

Don't suffocate

yourself to blurt

out the truth

no one wants

to hear it

so even if you

know it

keep it to yourself

Don't educate

just recommend books

as looks are going

to shred away

and no living being

loves to listen to

a talking skeleton

Strictly keep

advices to yourself

if you don't

get ready to see

some really weird eyebrows 


as for them if 

they aren't animals

your human words

can't amaze

Learn to 

forget the dead

because if you

remember them

more than 

their closer ones

then you are

the ghost of the dead

haunting your own self

till eternity

If you care

don't you dare

say a word

sit there still

when anxious

pop a pill

lay there


but don't try to

beat down bias

coz mother's can be harmful

They don't

want you to 

talk when they say

we want to hear from you

they just want to

know who are

the outliers

that they

need to take care

to bury down a rebellion

Independence can be freeing

if it's just giving you money

for listening to someone

then chasing a bird

while climbing a tree

befriending a bear

for a jar of honey

might be more comforting

but we all have to do

what needs to be done

when the flowers 

fly away from my grave

hopefully some animals

do use it as a cave

when it rains...

that reminds 

I will be torched

then my ashes 

as good as dust

*pic courtesy - From Pinterest Profile "La Chataigne" 


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