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Will You Love Me The Same?

If I told you I am older Will you love me the same way If I told you I am a cold person Will you love me the same way If I told you all that I haven't told anyone yet Will you love me the same way If I told you I get depressed pretty often Will you hold me the same way If I told you I cannot impress anyone everyday Will you spend time with me the same way If I told you I can be pretty challenging  If I told you I am aging and there are wrinkles under my skin that I hide with makeup If I told you I am not adjusting and don't talk to anyone if I don't have to If I told you I don't dress up on days and eat cereals from the box in a messy way Will you be with me the same way Are you still listening or you have run away If I told you I don't forget easy And can stalk you for days making you feel uneasy If I told you I can be dangerously hunting insects And can jump in muddy water for hours If I told you I am not afraid of blood And I can fight until I hear the sound go t


Smelling like..
The skunk.
Am I drunk?
Lived like..
The punk..
Slept while..
Stars sunk.
Through the clunk.
A smelly dried flower..
Underneath the trunk.
Too old…
To flunk.
Trembling lips..
To a hazy smoke..
Layering up to choke.
While a window..
Peeps through the key hole.
Go home…
Don’t be late..
For the roads don’t wait..
For hardships to accolade.
Kindness has sunk.
Songs haphazardly..
Musical bizarre..
One’s not a monk.
Stop pretending..
In the graveyard..
Of rusted junk.


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