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A Boy Who Touched The Sky

sand and mud splattered on his dud he watches his shoes sinking deeper in pool a stone  at sight he doesn't want  to fight but that seems the only way to keep him cool he thrashes and there goes the stool flying through the sky a story to boast about as birds don't lie the crying soul went dashing  through the door calling foul roaring back  comes a clutter for a boy  the success matters so he gathers his wet shoes and tries to adjust the  stance forgetting the simple fact of he didn't  stand a chance and with a dance or two he runs like a fool towards the old school  with the thought  of ghosts playing dust off while his feet had started to give up rolling  over the grass bed his breath wide spread  a dragon cloud soaring high flew right amidst the floating sky the bird waved him slight  flying to go out of sight he had lost and found his try  beyond the mighty sky while fresh droplets  felt on his face  ended up the chase  rain had  made the dragon cloud to surrender a dr

The Girl Who Refuses To Cry

She takes a step up..
Each time she trips.
Falling down doesn’t..
Bother her.
Making a fearless grunt..
Uneven and blunt.
Turns her face..
While she gets distracted by her untied lace.
Bending down doesn’t stop her.
Getting breathless..
As she chokes.
A sprinkle of pain down her shin provokes..
Turning back doesn’t evoke her.
Finally in the crowd..
She pulls her standing proud.
I did it shouting loud..
As she chuckles droplets of tears.
Spotting her mother smiling at while she cheers.
Suddenly getting darker..
Clouds felicitate the embark.
Her feet
giving away the spark.
As she wants no further..
Her shoes are no weeper..
Dozing off like a light sleeper.
Waking up to the instant dawn..
Like a truimphant swan.
Abused yet outrageous was her try..
Cause this girl refuses to just sit and cry.
*Dedicated to all the young girls who have been abused for years and have fought against the odds or still fighting their battles alone.A salute to your bravery.
