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A Boy Who Touched The Sky

sand and mud splattered on his dud he watches his shoes sinking deeper in pool a stone  at sight he doesn't want  to fight but that seems the only way to keep him cool he thrashes and there goes the stool flying through the sky a story to boast about as birds don't lie the crying soul went dashing  through the door calling foul roaring back  comes a clutter for a boy  the success matters so he gathers his wet shoes and tries to adjust the  stance forgetting the simple fact of he didn't  stand a chance and with a dance or two he runs like a fool towards the old school  with the thought  of ghosts playing dust off while his feet had started to give up rolling  over the grass bed his breath wide spread  a dragon cloud soaring high flew right amidst the floating sky the bird waved him slight  flying to go out of sight he had lost and found his try  beyond the mighty sky while fresh droplets  felt on his face  ended up the chase  rain had  made the dragon cloud to surrender a dr

The Story Of An Untold PARADISE in Kandarpur - The Beginning

The picture of a tall sturdy body, a straight cut face , covered up with broad brown specs usually hiding the wide eager eyes behind it...
Leaning by the side of the tall white gate ...since dawn peeking now and then ,so that he doesn't miss out the moment...

The picture below is that of the man (My late Aja) ,i will be talking about .Towards the left is Aja , beside him is his beloved wife (My Aaee) and their youngest son also my uncle Munna (Mamu).

The White Gate 
Quality - Helped us swinging ourselves from one side of the end to the other.
Quantity - More than one kid at a time .
Special Factor - Made us believe all of us had the mighty talent to become Spider-Man one day.

His face used to brighten up at the sight of our incoming auto-rickshaw,when slowly it trudged down the hill, where his amazingly beautiful ranch was situated ...surrounded by tall coconut trees , a huge pond , a cow shelter, heaps of hay , a highly nutritious kitchen garden,acres of farm lands where you can just run all day long...will get into deep analysis as i go further....

The land of my Aja (Maternal Grandfather) and Aaee ( Maternal Grandmother) , "Kandarpur" .The Paradise , which i would be talking about was called  "BHAWANI-BHAWAN", my Aja named it in the loving name of his lovely wife ,my Aaee "Bhawani".The ranch was situated just by the highway,an uphill raw road from the ranch made its way to the highway,the uphill road was surrounded by  tall coconut and date trees on one side and the other side was a small pond where wild flowers sometimes made a magnetizing sight to look at.

I will come back to it later, first let me complete our pompous arrival to "BHAWANI-BHAWAN".The auto- rickshaw usually agreed to come down the hill as our baggage were quiet heavy for the 15 day long summer vacations.Aja,excited since morning used to grab the bags and call out for his son's  to help him out...Munnu ...(Munna- The name of his youngest son,whom he used to call Munnu)  and Babu...(The name of his eldest son ,younger to two of his sisters,my mother and her sister) ..(P.S.we get into those details later in my chapter)  ,meanwhile mom used to bow down and take her dearest father's blessings ,tears  rolled down my mom's eyes when she touched her father's feet with gratitude ,which she used to wipe it off as soon as possible,but i always caught a glimpse of it.The happiness is all over the place while a daughter visits her home after she is married off.My mom is the eldest of all her 4 siblings with 2 sisters and 2 brothers.Being the eldest ,she was the favorite of her father,he called her "The Engine",to which all the rest of the bogies followed  in the track of life....

My brother and I  rush inside after taking our Aja's and mamu's (Uncle- Mom's brother) blessings ,to meet our beautiful and charming Aaee.My mother comes along with her dad and brothers talking to each other.Though i was a kid , but  i remember Aja always asking  mom "Maa tu theek achu???" ( My dear daughter hope you are doing well in your life )...

The ranch covered a large area so the house ,"Bhawani Bhawan" had 2 entrance doors , one for the guests and one for us .We used to rush through the surrounding garden ,the cow shelter ,the huge pond and a large  amount of trees to get into the second door.Just adjacent to the pond ,was the door on a high cemented altitude having a  bench with Aja's walking stick kept beside the door and we can see the vast kitchen garden attached to it.Attached to the kitchen garden was a small tin door which was the entrance to the endless farm plots.

The moment we entered the door,our eyes would be glittering with happiness .I don't have any specific reason for that ambrosial feeling .Rushing inside ...a strong aroma from the tea boiling in the tea kettle ...

Aaee had a routine to sleep till 10 'o' clock,but the day we reached  we used to bug her and at times even she used to wake up looking at her tiny tots ...and her  daughter.

The beginning of an era filled with never ending mischievousness and enthralling experiences..

Every kid was a perky little impish master....

The picture below is that of my elder brother "Joy",which was clicked at Kandarpur. He was the eldest among all the kids and our leader .His eyes said it all when a prank is about to begin....

Do continue reading ..because this is just the beginning...


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