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A Boy Who Touched The Sky

sand and mud splattered on his dud he watches his shoes sinking deeper in pool a stone  at sight he doesn't want  to fight but that seems the only way to keep him cool he thrashes and there goes the stool flying through the sky a story to boast about as birds don't lie the crying soul went dashing  through the door calling foul roaring back  comes a clutter for a boy  the success matters so he gathers his wet shoes and tries to adjust the  stance forgetting the simple fact of he didn't  stand a chance and with a dance or two he runs like a fool towards the old school  with the thought  of ghosts playing dust off while his feet had started to give up rolling  over the grass bed his breath wide spread  a dragon cloud soaring high flew right amidst the floating sky the bird waved him slight  flying to go out of sight he had lost and found his try  beyond the mighty sky while fresh droplets  felt on his face  ended up the chase  rain had  made the dragon cloud to surrender a dr


Often when someone close to you gets angry , you become very impatient and think of ways to sort that out and make that person forget all about the anger .

Anger , with close associated people sometimes depicts true friendship or true love .What i believe only a person close to your heart will bother if you are angry , otherwise nobody cares in this world to actually respect your anger .So always show your anger to a person whom you really care a lot . Here's a funny addition to my Innocent Thoughts .......this was when a very close friend of mine was angry and was not talking to me , in my school days . As she was very special to me i thought of writing a letter to her ...but didn't actually end giving it to her as she started talking to me before that .......
.In school every friendship is so filled up with innocence ....


What makes you so angry ? ,

Are you troubled ?, or are you Hungry ? ....
I am wrong , i apologize and say sorry ,

but you seem to me very ruthless and scary .....
You need to eat some honey ,which is sweet and sugary ,

so that you turn into my darling on whom i can Rely .
 What makes you so sad ?
Are you sick ? , or are you Mad ?....
I am guilty ,i cried ,have always wished your good ,
but you seem to me rather cruel and in quite a bad mood .....
You need to pour some chilled water over your head ,
so that you become cool , and stop behaving like a fool .

What makes you so lovable ?
Are you charming ? , or are you Adorable ?......
I am sorry , i promise , never to hurt you ever,
You seem to be my only friend forever .......
Now do come with me for lunch ,coz i miss the times we share ......
Always be happy in life ,as for any problem...
I will be there...


Sourav said…
Nice one Jenney!
Never knew you had such talents...
Do keep posting your innocent thoughts :)